TNT Avatar

TNT / Gazprom Media

Human influencers are so 2020.

Striving to push the boundaries of broadcast channels digital presence, TNT Channel decided to give birth to Anna: Russia first digital influencer.

As the Art Director of the channel, I was given the ambitious task of transforming a marketing pitch into a person.

Teaming up with an uber talented ensemble cast of illustrators, costume designers, photographers and photo retouchers, TNT Design provided the technical team with a solid visual brief to develop their 3D model and rigs.

Fashion Design

Fashion design had a critical role in the challenging task of communicating Anna's personality through her style.

The inspiring work of costume designer Alina German allowed Anna to take over the instagram catwalk with a set of pop, colourful and trend savvy outfits.

Character Design

An outstanding trio of illustrators (Diana Kuksa, Karina Ias, Irina Nikolaeva) brought Anna prototypes to life.

Their individual artistic vision gave her not only a face, but a soul — blurring the line between human and digital brand ambassadors.


Photography guidelines for content creators were also defined. From location scouting to visual story telling — we crafted a unique aesthetics for Anna's instagram feed.


Finally, Anna was taken from the 2D world of (digital) ink on paper to the 3D world of video by the cutting edge work of TNT technical partner — Malivar.


Telekanal TNT - Moscow - © Copyright 2021

TNT Design

  • Art Director: Giorgio A. Schwarz
  • Fashion Designer: Alina German
  • Illustrators: Diana Kuksa, Karina Yashagina, Irina Nikolaeva
  • Photographer: Volya Medvedew
  • Photo Retoucher: Anastasia Masureva
  • Project Manager: Yana Amaddeo

TNT Marketing

  • Marketing Director: Evgeniy Potapov
  • Digital Director: Denis Suladze
  • Avatar Team: Anjelika Vahnyak, Anna Kondratyeva, Ulyana Romashova, Ilya Kocheshkov
  • Production company: Malivar

April 2021

Selected Works