Paramount Channel Branding 2012

Viacom International Media Networks

Launching world class film company free to air TV channel and establishing an international brand for the small screen.

During its 100th birthday, Paramount Pictures launches Paramount Channel, a global broadcast channel offering the public one of the most prestigious movie libraries available.

I had the opportunity to take part in the creation of this brand, from the logo to the overall look and feel. A core part of the identity was communicating Paramount Pictures role in the production and distribution of some the greatest moments in film history. The Paramount catalogue features a plethora of iconic, unforgettable moments across all genres, with emotions so strong they stay with you long after the credits roll.

I decided to communicate this with a very clean design, which juxtaposes the modern sans-serif typeface DIN and a fresh colour palette to a traditional central alignment, instantly recalling the style of movie ending titles. Typography also plays an important role in the visual celebration of the iconic mountain. It acts as a solid support for the logo, which is always placed above onscreen information.


  • Creative Director: Roberto Bagatti
  • Associate Creative-Director: Anna Caregnato
  • Art-Director: Scott Bendall
  • Producers: Cristina Mazzocca
  • Lead Designer: Giorgio A. Schwarz

Produced at MTV World Design Studio Milan.

June 2012

Selected Works